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R2v3: What Has Changed and When Should You Upgrade?

Brought to you by IBEC Intelligence

R2v3 Timeline

Last year SERI announced that R2v3, the next version of the R2 Standard, was unanimously adopted by their board and was released on July 1, 2020. Beginning this year all new certifications are being audited to R2v3.

But if you are already R2 certified and your current R2 certificate expires on or before December 31, 2021, it can be recertified to R2:2013.

If your existing R2:2013 certifications expiring on or after January 1, 2022, you must transition in 2022, as recertification will not be allowed.

The final deadline for transition is June 30, 2023. All remaining and non-transitioned R2:2013 certificates will expire and be withdrawn on July 1, 2023.

Overview of The Key Changes in The New R2v3

While many of the core requirements in R2v3 remain mostly unchanged, it is more powerful and practical to achieve more consistent implementation and outcomes.

R2v3 has increased emphasis on reuse and enhanced data security controls.

Strengthened requirements in key areas of data protection, managing the flow of material through downstream vendors, and environmental health and safety requirements.

R2v3 continues to be focused on outcomes. However, R2v3 does add prescription in some areas to improve understanding and consistency of the expected outcomes.

R2v3 now divides the R2 Standard into “Core” and specialized “Process” requirements. While all R2 certified facilities are held to the Core requirements, the Process requirements only apply to facilities that perform these processes: Downstream Recycling Chain, Data Sanitization, Test and Repair, Specialty Electronics, Materials Recovery, and Brokering.

If you are already R2 certified and need assistance with transitioning to R2v3, or if you are interested in getting your facility certified, schedule a free 30-minute consultation with an IBEC expert for more information.

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